Friday, May 27, 2005

Dubious distinctions of a Geek

Getting frustrated is vogue these days. My friends who had heartily embraced this hanky panky world of software keep whining these days. Some feel they are working day in day out and still not getting returns which they richly deserve. I can’t blame ‘em, as such feelings come most naturally to software geeks. Now Indian software engineers are always spoken in glowing terms, they are made to fell to be the best breed around.
Every now and then a foreign dignitary would visit a premier software workstation (companies are immaterial) and will say how India is ruling the roost in aah so intellectual world of software engineers. Companies keep laughing all the way to the bank and such foreign dignitaries are raking in moolah. And noble breed of software engineers are made to feel proud (Pride what is it anyway??). Well an Indian software engineer(one who resides in India, don’t count Khoslas,Bhatias and Guptas for heaven’s sake, we have this bad habit for long e.g. including both Khurana and Chandrasekhar as Indians among Nobel laureates ) is hardly an engineer in first place. Writing few lines of oft repeated codes and fixing ol’ bugs hardly helps you in qualifying as a real software geek. To put it bluntly, it’s more of a clerical job, but then who is complaining.
People are working on jotted lines and getting paid handsomely too (by Indian standards).Government is minting some hard earned dollars, so where is the need to sport a frown on your face. Let me (and my entire breed) soak up the sun as long as it shines.
Let Indian software giants make a killing and my dear buddies keep getting pats on your backs. After all you all are doing a nice job innocuously strengthening Indo-US relationship by putting hard hours behind. And any way keep getting frustrated (with a lil’ bit of pride as your bosses want to sense it) that’s the trend with trendiest (read haughtiest) celebrities screaming at the top of the world, how gloomy world affairs are and how much scorn they have for the meaningless world.
So felt Jimmy Hendrix, so did Jim Morrison, so thought Kurt Cobain. Guess what.. they all committed suicide. Long live my software brethrens, someone is flying to India to appease(swindle) you .

1 comment:

Jayasri said...

hey Nice one! It was a good flow and I like the way you put it
(...I should actually apologise for my scrap on orkut...)
Keep writing..will now move on to reading the next one in your list!