Few days are as serene as the one I am spending right now. After recharging my batteries for a couple of weeks, the world looks a changed place back here. Well these are still early days of what promises to be a stormy affair (the third trimester).
Beautiful cold creeps in, embracing you in a way you start craving for warmth more than ever before. But mercury may choose to dip, it soars my spirits. The early morning mist and dew caressing the feet (yeah I was forced to experience that twice this time around) are warmest experience I could ever have. And those leaves shimmering with dew who just waited for me to drop their blessings.
Sometimes it’s fun to be alone, marooned on a lonely island? Nah, I’ll prefer to be alone in deluge of humanity. It’s fun to be lost out some times. As of now even a room shared by 3 non stop loudspeakers wears a very tranquil look. Everyone absorbed in his own work, well that’s what life is. It’s so much hustle and bustle in this room, but golden silence dawns on us , that too with characters like Sid, Mickey and Ah me too around.
Yeah I said that’s life is all about. Sounds so cruel and yet so true, few years down the line that’s what life is supposed to be. Everyone busy is his/her own world, when everyone would long for the moments passed by.
Expectations?? Hah the biggest dampner surging emotions can handle. Tempers were sent flaring when they weren’t met and heartaches followed, sounds so somber, each smiling face has thousands stories to tell and few keep haunting as it did back one chilly evening of gone December. The world feels I am mature and I make a fool out of me by letting child in me come to fore.
Oh some moments are fleeting. Serenity is still here, but usual suspects are back (all mentioned above) are back and yeah another fruitful discussion in offing.
when was this..
on jan 4. cant go more tangential ;)
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