So I sit here in my room suffering from insomnia. I want to sleep but today Morpheus is in mood to play pranks with me. As I sit finishing another gamut of stories I feel exhausted, hmm at odd hours I end up remembering my college in general and second trimester in particular. What a fleeting trimester it was meant to be and what a messy one it turned out to be. Short, crisp yet won’t be termed sweet.
Let me reminisce how this one started. Ok it wasn’t great yet it is not discredited enough to sink in evanescence so quickly. I feel if I hark back to month of October, this was how it all started -----------
Heat is on
Well before I was back to capital after celebrating navratri(dussera), heat was on. Well heat was all about summers . Kya hoga?? Will I get a decent enough internship?? Seniors had warned “freshers smile at summers , you duffers(work ex) may have a baggage of 2years with you, cool.. keep sweating away. Take a chill pill and please don’t get too edgy”. Point taken yet I was a wee bit worried. First 2 days were kind of those restricted field overs of cricket and a slower one like me had to patiently wait for his turn. Any one could have clouted me you see. Ha. Fortune smiled upon some blessed ones . well round of those pretty formal congratulations and those muted muttering of “Thank You” went on. Fine I felt few are through and I would be any day. I am happy for them, so I said
Next few days were no better, but jinx lay tattered there and an animated hug awaited dearest pal. Wow someone from my room is through, a feeling which was not equaled when I found myself limping through as well. But the fact is this is not about summers, that are immaterial, well I may not be the best one to nurture any such argument. any such can be taken up by people who clamored and received ad lib. But if they say so it may sound so patronizing
Not that my agony was stretched but I always felt guilty not to show up a somber face when so many faded faces came and pestered to see that hint of agony on my face. Yeah I was agony aunt for few of them, I hated that anyway though.” How he/she got through, they never deserved to be there” grumbled few ashen faces. I am not kind of to say good things in front of you and backbite once you vanish the scene, yet I played along as if I knew nothing. The fun is finally they too (ashen faced grumblers) got through and most funny rather interesting part is they are very friendly with people (those so called non deserving ones who got through the very first/second day). Whoa backbiting and friendly banters/unions make a lethal mix, God save me from such fair weathered ones….
Name dropping aint no fun though….
Increasing Entropy
So eventually we enter the class after heat and grumblers chose to evade me finally.
I enter the class bit late with couple of usual suspects in tow (they are the real friends I have to admit who skin me around all the while and I too do not leave any chance to return the favors go abegging). Our seats have already been taken. Hmm I smile and look at Sid “See champ, entropy is on rise”(term depicting randomness for those not prospered in physics classes). “No way. See it is all about team coordination and chemistry’ he retorts. “Umm yeah “ I concur “so three stooges will be sitting together” I let out a laugh.
A class of negatives, zilches and few positives
One of the most unforgettable classes. A class which made me humble and let me believe I know nothing about softwares/hardwares. All my 6 years’ effort( 4 as a student and 2 as a professional) comes to naught as my team is awarded yet another negative. We consist of four. Two non ITs(Devika and Sid) and two supposedly ITs(Me And Vinit). Vinit keeps misfiring , I refuse to budge (I hardly know these stuff never ran into them seriously I tell you) and perfumed lady awards another negative. Two non ITs try to motivate us and when they see efforts going down the gutter they flash their pearly whites at us. This trend continues throughout the trimester, if we are consistent it’s all about maintaining a negative score on slate. Beauty is we start savoring it , it ‘s all so fun . Thanks mates I was not so bad , and if I ever felt bad you people just laughed it away. Making it cozier and make me look forward to another bout of negatives and zilches.
Newly discovered Sleep
This was also the trim when I finally enjoyed taking siesta. Drooping eyes told their story. I joined the party and unabashed I continued my sleeping venture. Teachers always had soporific effect, now I humbly accepted it and started to fall in line with those who had invented/reinvented this famous art. One who is brilliant and quite a seasoned one at this art with leaning tower of Pisa like postures acknowledges me and we exchange meaningful smiles.
Nostalgia dawns on me
First FM class, and I am surrounded by feeling of nostalgia; this person reminds me of my teachers back at Warangal, I must have told it to people who ever mattered.
People find him boring, they don’t listen to him. Strangely I try to listen to him and find his class quite useful. Man may be diffident, may be he doesn’t articulate too well, yet man is worthy , Fin is an interesting subject I can vouch for it and am looking forward to know more of capital structures and different policies.
Old man with twinkle in his mischievous eyes
Class we all looked forward to. Started half an hour late, a sweet break of twenty minutes and when in mood left us 15 minutes before scheduled time. Ah manna from heaven, surprising !!!attend an IMM class mate. Hmm did I tell has some weakness for his book, scour Amazon for a book on International marketing and what it did? Voila it threw up the book you had in your hand very moment the story was reeled in front of you. “Smoking is injurious to health and no man should ever smoke “ he uttered with mischievous grin and a playful glint in his eyes which made everything clear. He is a man of great contacts and can be easily convinced for a noble cause. Some girls who were made to give presentation learnt it hard way ….
Man with a meaty voice
Another class I seldom missed. When he talked, he did like man possessed. He was always in control and floored many a girl in first class. I loathe the word but let me use it for him ,his way of delivery as well his pragmatic knowledge was awesome. I secured 2.5 in first quiz , martyrdom doesn’t come any better . I nurse no grudge against him because it was fun to fail for a change ,
Zombie mends her ways eventually
Psychology classes were pathetically boring, so boring that I reinvented limericks I had long forgotten . It was sleep inducing class and I had to look for other ways to keep myself engaged. We named her ‘Zombie’ coz she hardly oozed any human expression during her classes. Lady mends her ways in this trimester. She takes her feedbacks seriously becoz we had mentioned the very thing there in feedback form. Mincing word aint our manner and lady responds in great style. Ma’am OB was fun and certainly one of the classes few dozed off, leave those seasoned ones aside, they would make anyone look pathetic..
Three ball theory busted
Poor fellow had a bad time. Kolkota guy caught in Delhi ambush. He wasn’t bad , but his utterings always brought smile on our faces. Remember the three ball theory??. How an imbalance could wreak havoc in an entrepreneur’s life .
Hmm can also recall a washed out Quo-Vadis where we had less participants and more volunteers. Can recollect my getting flushed at slight mention of my nick name, can summon up to mind those boring classes when I had nothing to do and smsing to near and dear ones was the last resort(in utter defiance to college authorities’ ban on use of mobile in classes)
Second trimester was this and much much more. It was short and crisp. But at the end of day take Macroeconomics and FM and what I learnt was cipher, zilch some one is tantalizingly close to award another negative I guess…